Monday, 27 May 2013

Too few words.

Every night, I entertain the idea of putting down my thoughts.  Tonight will be brilliant! Tonight, I will show the world why I want to be a writer! Tonight, I will create prose so perfect that established authors will weep and find ways to become as good as me.

Obviously, this has not come to pass. At best, I've been able to write paragraphs of meandering ideas where nothing is going on and where sentences seem to extend themselves beyond the horizon of concision and effectiveness. This fact does not make me feel great about my ability to write better in the future. Still, I persist. And still, I do so for an invisible audience.

I'm going to continue trying to get something done. I've found some inspiration in my life of late, and hope to put some of those feelings to work in getting something written down that doesn't make me want to vomit upon reading it.

How do authors do it? I doubt it's just skill. There has to be something that makes them able to endure their thoughts and find the will to just slog through the shit to write the gems they share with the world.

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